Grades Taught
Pre-Kindergarten to Grade 4
Our Lady of the Angels Catholic School (OLA) resides within the family of Elk Island Catholic Schools (EICS) and is part of Alberta's publicly-funded education system. OLA is a vibrant school community, providing 21st century, quality Catholic education for students from Pre-K to Grade 4.
Mrs. Michele Yuzdepski
Together in Learning and Faith
Our Beliefs
- That Jesus Christ and his teachings are the foundation and core of our Catholic School Division.
- That a quality education is a continuing process that develops the whole person in an environment which encourages success.
- That we live out the Catholic faith through our words, our actions and our interactions.
- That Catholic education is a shared responsibility between the home, the school, the parish and the community.
- That education is a lifelong journey during which excellence is actively pursued.
- That everyone has worth and dignity as a unique creation of God.
Programs and Services
Full day kindergarten program – M/W alternate Fridays or T/Th alternate Fridays