

Independence, initiative, decision making, creativity, the ability to learn, relationships and feelings of self-worth - all have their beginnings in early childhood. We believe that each child is unique and, together with parents as our partners, we build upon children's natural curiosity and spontaneity, encouraging and supporting them as they take their first step into school. 

Please note that Kindergarten registration for the 2025-2026 school year will be available online February 1, 2025.  See below for registration details. 

We are offering a choice of 2 full day programs.  Please note that the programming that will be available for the 2025-2026 school year is based on the number of registrations received.  

Eligibility Starting Date for Kindergarten for the 2025-2026 school year:

To register for Kindergarten in the 2025-2026 school year, your child must be five years old on or before December 31, 2025. Enter your child's birthday in the EICS Kindergarten Calculator to determine eligibility. 

How do I find out which EICS school to register in? 

You can find your designated school by clicking on the boundary maps.

Where are the forms to register online for EICS Kindergarten Programs? 

To register for Kindergarten, please create an account on School Engage and log into the following portal: 
Student Registration

Where do I get information about Transportation and to arrange busing? 

Elk Island Public Schools and Elk Island Catholic Schools are expanding their cooperative student transportation agreement. This will help reduce the impact of higher insurance and fuel costs, increase direct busing for students where feasible, reduce carbon footprint and address capacity issues for both divisions. The expanded partnership is good news for both EIPS and EICS, as student transportation represents a significant expense for Alberta Education and school divisions.

All busing to schools in Fort Saskatchewan is provided by EIPS.    

To contact EIPS Transportation please click here 

To contact EICS Transportation please click here.